“Landlessness” has been a key issue especially in a land dearth state like Kerala. One out of three city dweller lives in inadequate living space worldwide and Kerala is not an exception. The rural poor too have housing issues in Kerala due to the massive urbanization even in panchayath areas. Giving secure titles in the form of pattayam is a formal recognition which will help the poor and the under privileged better access to legal and financial services to raise capital and to invest in avenues of productive and sustainable nature. It is a well known fact that there are situations wherein the people who are not eligible for getting assignment of Government land get the land assigned in their favour and there are situations where the eligible people are being deprived the chance always. This discrimination has been due to the non-identification of the landlessness scientifically ever in the history of Kerala. Since the land resources are limited and it is obligatory on the part of the Government to have a correct assessment of the demand and supply of land. With the following objectives the Government is introducing a Mission Mode Project [MMP] towards making Kerala a Zero Landless [Citizens] State by 2015.